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Do you allow your inner child to play?

Writer's picture: Kanan TekchandaniKanan Tekchandani

Here's why it's so important on your healing journey...

Self-expression is necessary for us to feel whole and joyful as our souls get shared with the world. I am so blessed to have two children who love music and love to express themselves through playing. For fun and pleasure, NOT to achieve grades! Many neurodivergent adults and children who come into my life have not had their authentic expressions validated or valued by those around them.

Their creative intelligence and overexcitability is sometimes even judged as pointless, a waste of time, or a problem. That’s a denying, a rejection of a part of us. That rejection causes us to be incomplete. To be only partly authentic at best. To be at peace and feel whole we must explore and embrace that part of ourselves without judgement.

Like a child.

A child gets to play without being told they’re doing it wrong or not doing it good enough.

If you didn’t get encouraged to play and express fully as a child it can be really hard to feel safe to do it as an adult!

It took me a while to crack that one fully and having my own kids was definitely a great help.

I find many gifted and 2e adults never got to play as children. To many, their emotional and intellectual intelligence meant they ended up becoming carers, taking on the role of the parent to their mother or father, who was either emotionally dysregulated, emotionally immature, highly anxious, depressed or all of these.

This meant they missed out on a vital part of their development: playing and exploring as children.

I love encouraging my neurodivergent clients now to connect back to their expressive creative playful part. When this happens it's like they get a second chance at childhood. They get to play and have fun. This is so important because it allows balance for that driven, perfectionist, achieving aspect part of ourselves.

Balance is healthy.

So please let’s all value and encourage more PLAYFULNESS and heartfelt JOY in all human beings — young and old!

Let’s welcome all parts.

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